President Muhammadu Buhari Tuesday in Abuja said prioritizing infrastructure projects ameliorated hardship in some parts of the country, particularly the quick intervention on the Lagos-Ibadan route with completion of road and rail lines, which improved the traffic significantly.

“My objective was very clear, despite the dwindling resources, I wanted to deal with infrastructure across the country,’’ the President told a delegation from Kaduna State, led by the Emir of Zazzau, Alhaji Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli, and Kaduna State Deputy Governor, Hadiza Sabuwa Balaraba at the State House.

“We should look at advancement in terms of Infrastructure. No country can advance without infrastructure. There used to be railways, especially people from Southern Kaduna will remember this.

“Which country can really advance without road, rail and power, that’s why I wanted to sort out infrastructure, knowing that Nigerians are competitive by nature, and they will face their businesses when there’s road, rail and power,’’ he added.

The President said the challenge of commuting in the South West had been improved.

“The people from South West can tell better because between Lagos and Ibadan by now, if we hadn’t done what we did, people would have been trekking because the road was not there, the rail was not there and there was so much insecurity.

“But we thank the international community. We thank China and Chinese investors, who came along to support the Lagos-Ibadan transport projects,’’ he said.

President Buhari assured that the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure will be sustained, which include the Abuja-Kaduna-Kano express road, being handled by Julius Berger to ensure good, long-term quality.

The President commended the Governor of Kaduna State, Nasir el-Rufai, for the transformation of the state, with growing infrastructure and socio-economic projects, while noting the growing liberality, which welcomes all Nigerians.

“Please extend my gratitude to the Governor for doing so well. I have been living in Kaduna for many years before I came here, but now I will need a modern compass to go around because of the transformation,’’ he added.

In her remarks, the Deputy Governor thanked the President for his working visit to the state, where he commissioned projects in Kaduna, Kafanchan and Zaria.

She said the Urban Renewal Programme will be sustained and spread across the state for more impact on the lives of the people, with many already near completion, and will be ready by May, 2022.

The Emir of Zazzau also thanked the President for the visit in January and support to the Government, adding that the memory will be long cherished by all Kaduna State citizens.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

February 22, 2022



Some interest groups are cashing in on what they consider a delay in the signing of the Electoral Bill into law by the President to foment civil disorder and muddy the waters.

One can just pity their ignorance of Constitutional requirements, as the President has a window of 30 days within which to sign the Bill, or decline assent, after it had been transmitted to him by the National Assembly.

It is on record that the amended Bill was sent to the Presidency on January 31, 2022, which means that the Executive could do due diligence on it till March 1, as prescribed by the Constitution.

A proposed legislation that has to do with the electoral fortunes of the country needs to be thoroughly scrutinized, and be made as near-perfect as possible.

Those playing cheap politics with it are, therefore, encouraged to hold their peace, knowing that the right thing will be done within the lawful time.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

February 21, 2022


February 22, 2022

Press Statement

PDP Expands, Updates Anambra Ward Congresses Appeal Panel

The National Working Committee (NWC) of our great Party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has expanded and updated the Ward Congresses Electoral Appeal Panel to consider appeals arising from the conduct of the Ward Congresses in Anambra State.

The members of the expanded Appeals Committee are;

  1. H.E. Sen. Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi, CON – Chairman
  2. Dame Dr. Esther Uduehi – Member
  3. Rt. Hon. Margaret Icheen – Member
  4. Hon. Ubandoma Laven – Member
  5. Mr. Mike Ahibe – Member
  6. Hajiya Fatimah Saleh – Member
  7. Amb. Sen. Umar El-Gash – Secretary

The exercise is scheduled for Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at the National Working Committee (NWC) Hall, PDP National Secretariat, Wadata Plaza, Wuse Zone 5, Abuja at 10.00am

All aspirants, leaders and critical stakeholders of our great Party in Anambra State should please take note.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary

February 22, 2022

Press Statement

PDP Constitutes Campaign Council for Plateau Bye-Elections

The National Working Committee (NWC) of our great Party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has approved the nomination of the following party members as members of the National Campaign Council/Election Management Team for the Jos/Bassa Federal Constituency and Pankshin State Constituency Bye-election scheduled for Saturday, February 26, 2022 in Plateau State

The member of the committee are:

  1. H.E Dr. Samuel Ortom – Chairman
  2. H.E Sen. Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed – Co. Chairman
  3. H.E Sen. Jonah Jang – Member
  4. H.E. Sen. Jeremiah Husseini – Member
  5. H.E Dr. Aliyu Babangida – Member
  6. Amb. Fidelis Nnanmiap Tapgun – Member
  7. Sen. Istifanus Gyang – Member
  8. Sen. Abba Moro – Member
  9. Hon. Tajudeen J. Yusuf – Member
  10. Hon. Mwadkwon Simon Davou – Member
  11. Hon. Bulus Solomon Maren – Member
  12. Hon. Bagos Dachung Musa – Member
  13. Hon. Lar Beni Butmak – Member
  14. Hon. Bala Fwangje – Member
  15. Hon. Esther Simi Dusu – Member
  16. Hon. Ubadoma Laven – Member
  17. Sir Hon. Ngbede John – Member
  18. Hon. Zakka Dogo Sunday – Member
  19. Engr. Dr. Sam Uhuotu – Member
  20. Hon. Babatunde Mohammed – Member
  21. Hon. Francis Orogu – Member
  22. Barr. Beji Tanko – Member
  23. Hon. Chris Hassan – Member
  24. Hon. Theophilus Dakas Shan – Secretary

The Directorate of Organization and Mobilization shall serve as the Secretariat for the Council.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary

Text of Press Conference by the National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Debo Ologunagba, Today, Tuesday, February 22, 2022, on President Muhammadu Buhari’s Continuing Withholding of Assent to the Electoral Act Amendment Bill Against the Will of Nigerians.

Gentlemen of the Press!

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is addressing this World Press Conference today to alert all Nigerians and the International Community of a dangerous design by the Buhari Presidency and the All Progressives Congress (APC) to trigger serious political crisis that has the capacity to derail our electoral system, truncate our democracy, subvert our corporate existence and turn our nation into another ‘axis of concern’ to the world.

As you are aware, President Buhari continues against the Will of Nigerians to withhold assent to the Electoral Act Amendment Bill re-transmitted to him since Monday, January 31, 2022 (clear 22 days ago) by the National Assembly. This was after the Legislature had acceded to and incorporated all his requests in the newly transmitted version of the Electoral Act Amendment Bill.

The refusal to sign the Electoral Act Amendment Bill is nothing short of a premediated and contrived “political abortion” of the Will of the people as represented by the elected 109 Senators and 360 members of the House of Representatives who unanimously passed the Amendment Bill in the first instance.

The current stance of Mr. President further validates our Party’s position that the Buhari-led APC government is averse to free, fair, transparent and credible elections in our country, particularly the 2023 general elections.

The PDP wants to draw the attention of Nigerians and the International Community to this. On Thursday, February 17, 2022, President Buhari addressed the EU-AU Summit in Brussel, Belgium, whereupon he called on the European Union (EU) to impose weighty sanctions on those engaged in “unconstitutional change of governments” as well as those influencing the “process and outcomes of elections”

In President Buhari’s words, “We also call for stronger support from the European Union in the condemnation and imposition of weighty sanctions on countries that engage in unconstitutional change of governments as well as manipulation of constitutions in favour of extension of term limits…

“It is therefore imperative for our partnership to also focus on strengthening election processes in Africa and prevent interference to influence the process and outcomes of elections…”

We urge the President to practice what he preaches.

Mr. President’s refusal to sign the Electoral Act Amendment Bill constitutes an obstruction to democratic principle of credible elections. Any electoral process which does not guarantee the free, fair and transparent transmission of election results from the polling units can only result in a government that lacks credibility and legitimacy which amounts to an “unconstitutional change of government” against the Will of the people.

The Manipulations

As you know, President Buhari premised his withholding of assent to the previous version of the Electoral Act Amendment Bill on Section 84 of that Amendment Bill which provided that party candidates for elections can only emerge through direct primaries.

In trying to justify his decision, Mr. President stated among other reasons in his letter dated December 13, 2021 to the National Assembly that “the amendment as proposed is a violation of the underlying spirit of democracy which is characterised by freedom of choices. Political party membership is a voluntary exercise of the constitutional right to freedom of association”

According to Mr. President, “several millions of Nigerians are not card-carrying members of any political party. Thus, the emphasis should be on enabling qualified Nigerians to vote for the candidate of their choice during general elections as a means of participation in governance and furtherance of the concept of universal adult suffrage or universal franchise…”

If indeed the President and the APC mean and believe in the statement above, then there can be no justification for the continuing delay in assenting to the re-worked Electoral Act Amendment Bill which has adequately taken care of Mr. President requests and now sitting on his desk. Voting by citizens should be made easier not harder as the President and the APC are doing.

It is clear that President Buhari and the APC are erecting road blocks to the passage of the Electoral Act Amendment Bill due mainly to the provision for electronic transmission of election results from the polling units which will eliminate APC’s plans to manipulate the system, militarize the process, alter election results at collation centers and foist itself again into power against the Will of Nigerians.

Having been rejected by Nigerians because of its colossal failure in governance, especially in the areas of security, economy and fight against corruption, the APC is in mortal fear of electronic transmission of results because it cannot survive the inevitable crushing verdict of the ballot box in the 2023 general elections.

This ostensibly informed the conspiracy by the APC leadership of the National Assembly to inject the controversy of the mode of primaries by political parties as a camouflage to scuttle the entire Electoral Act Amendment Bill in the first place.

Nigerians can recall that the PDP had earlier alerted of plots by the APC to deploy all manner of shenanigans to delay the Presidential assent until few months to the 2023 elections to enable the President again cite being too close to the elections as reason to withhold assent just as he did on December 6, 2018 after respectively turning down the then Electoral Act Amendment Bill on flimsy grounds in March and September of that year.

In President Buhari’s words on December 6, 2018, “I am declining assent to the Bill principally because I am concerned that passing a new Electoral Bill this far into the electoral process for the 2019 general elections which commenced under the 2015 Electoral Act, could create some uncertainty about the applicable legislation to govern the process.

“This leads me to believe that it is in the best interest of the country and our democracy for the National Assembly to specifically state in the Bill, that the Electoral Act will come into effect and be applicable to elections commencing after the 2019 General Elections”.

With that, President Buhari set the stage for the APC and its agents to ferociously desecrate the sanctity of the ballot box by brazenly attacking polling centers, altering election results at collation centers, allocating fictitious votes to the APC, destroying electoral data, announcing losers as winners and ending up foisting the APC into power in 2019 against the Will of the people as reflected by the actual votes cast at the polling units.

Our Concerns

Gentlemen of the press, less than a year to the 2023 general elections, President Buhari and the APC are at it again! Expectedly, the current anti-people scheme against the Electoral Act Amendment Bill by the APC administration is heightening apprehensions across the country of furtive plots by APC leaders to orchestrate a constitutional impasse that can railroad our democracy into an emergency tenure elongation, induced election postponement, self-succession or worst still an interim government situation.

This growing tension calls for concern as it has the capacity to spawn widespread restiveness with consequential violence, bloodletting and attendant humanitarian crisis in the country that may affect the entire West Africa subregion, Europe, America and other parts of the world if not addressed.

This is because Nigerians, especially the youths have become more politically aware and involved, with well-founded and implacable aversion to injustice, oppression, manipulations and undemocratic tendencies as being witnessed under the APC administration. Evidence of this mood became manifest in the EndSARS protest of October 2020.

The situation is being worsened by the arrogant utterances of some officials of the Buhari-led APC administration particularly the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami SAN, who is now subjecting the decision of the generality of Nigerians through the National Assembly to personal parochial and partisan whims.

Our Party also has information about how some selfish unelected cabinet ministers, advisers and other top government functionaries with ambitions for presidential, governorship and other elective positions are mounting pressure on President Buhari not to sign the Electoral Act Amendment Bill to enable them remain longer in office so as to continue to use public funds to corruptly pursue their personal political interests.

It is appalling that President Buhari who claims to be fighting corruption is condoning and encouraging this inordinate access to public funds in pursuit of private ambitions. The only way Mr. President can extricate himself is to sign the Electoral Act Amendment Bill immediately.

The PDP strongly advise President Buhari and APC leaders to stop toying with the aspiration of Nigerians to entrench democracy in our country through the process of free, fair, transparent and credible elections in 2023.

It is even most distressing that President Buhari, who is the biggest beneficiary of credible, free and fair elections conducted by the PDP in 2015 is now in the vanguard to frustrate genuine effort for credible elections in 2023, not minding the huge negative consequences such portends for our dear nation.

Call for Action

Given the precarious political situation in the country today, the PDP calls on all Nigerians, the Organized Labour, Civil Society, Student Bodies, Professional Bodies, Trade Unions and all lovers of democracy across the world to rise up and impress it upon President Buhari to immediately sign the Electoral Act Amendment Bill so as to assure Nigerians and avert an impending crisis in our country.

Our Party also calls on the International Community and friends of Nigeria including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Russia, France among others; the European Union (EU), African Union (AU), Commonwealth of Nations and the United Nations (UN) to immediately bear diplomatic and political pressure on President Buhari, APC leaders and senior government officials who are intent on derailing our democracy.

Finally, the PDP charges the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to stand on the side of democracy, resist the APC and get prepared to use technology that abound to ensure the direct transmission of election results from the polling units in the 2023 elections.

Thank you for listening.

Hon. Debo Ologunagba

February 22, 2022

February 22, 2022

Press Statement

PDP Mocks APC For Postponing Its National Convention Again

…Says Ruling Party Plagued by Cabal War, Ineligible to Contest 2023 General Elections

The continuing inability by the All Progressives Congress (APC), a party in government, to conduct a routine National Convention has further explained why all sectors of our national life have been in shambolic state under the incompetent, corrupt, rudderless and overtly confused APC administration.

APC’s postponement of its National Convention yet again validates PDP’s stance that the APC is not a political party but a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of strange bed fellows, “political buccaneers” and ferocious power mongers on a mission to wreck our nation.

The PDP states that the APC which cannot conduct its own internal affairs could not be expected to successfully manage the affairs of a nation like Nigeria. The APC is a perfect example of failure both as a party and government unable to conduct a simple National Convention in two years. It has become a Russian Roulette with unending request for extension of time to undertake a routine statutory political activity.

Our Party is not surprised that the APC, a party of backstabbers, again postponed its National Convention already scheduled for February 26, 2022. It is rather saddening how a set of confused, greedy, deceitful, hard-heartened and self-centered individuals who cannot run a creditable organization foisted themselves in power and plunged our nation into the economic, security and social mess that we face today.

As a vacuous political contraption without a soul, peopled by “political warlords” without conscience and operating without rules, the APC is a bunch of inchoate sailors clobbered together for remote personal gain; operating without a Board of Trustees (BoT) and a National Working Committee (NWC); exists in violation of rules while constituting itself to a threat to our national unity and corporate existence as a nation.

APC’s postponement of its National Conventions had always been a fallout of the horrible infighting, backbiting and gang war by “political bandits” who are desperate for power and access to our national treasury. That explains why their congresses and other activities are always marred by violence, bloodletting and killings.

Moreover, the APC is not capable of holding a National Convention having become defunct since December 8, 2020 when it dissolved all its states, zonal and national party structures and set up an illegal contrivance called the Caretaker Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee led by Governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State.

Of course, the activities of the Mai Mala Buni Committee remain invalid and unconstitutional by virtue of Section 183 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) which bars a sitting governor from holding “any other executive office” in any capacity whatsoever while serving as a state governor.

The failure of the APC to hold a National Convention is therefore a clear warning to those aspiring for various positions in the 2023 election on its platform to note that with the APC, they are on a journey to nowhere. The only way the APC can legitimately participate in the 2023 general is to re-apply to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for fresh registration as a political party.

In any case, Nigerians are hopeful for a better future because the PDP is back and repositioned to Rescue and Rebuild our nation from the stranglehold of the APC in 2023.

Nigerians are yearning for the return of good governance with the PDP so that they can again be secure, enjoy economic prosperity, infrastructural development, employment, food security and national cohesion which they experienced in the 16 years of the PDP in power.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary




February 22, 2022

Press Statement

PDP Constitutes Campaign Council for Imo Bye-Elections

The National Working Committee (NWC) of our great Party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has approved the nomination of the following party members as members of the National Campaign Council/Election Management Team for the Ngor Okpala State Constituency Bye-election scheduled for Saturday, February 26, 2022 in Imo State.

The member of the committee are:

  1. H.E Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu – Chairman
  2. H.E Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi – Co. Chairman
  3. H.E Chief Achike Udenwa – Member
  4. H.E Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha – Member
  5. H.E Sen. Enyinnaya Abaribe – Member
  6. Sen. Samuel N. Anyanwu – Member
  7. Dr. Alex Obi – Member
  8. Amb. Dr. Kema Achikwe – Member
  9. Sen. Onyebuchi Francis – Member
  10. Sen. Obinna Ogba – Member
  11. Rt. Hon. Chukwuka Onyema – Member
  12. Hon. Eke Bede Uchenna – Member
  13. Hon. Chined Emeka Martins – Member
  14. Hon. Nwawuba Henry Ndochukwu- Member
  15. Hon. Alagboso Jerry – Member
  16. Hon. Elezieanya Ikenna Onyechere Member
  17. Hon. Solomon Anukam – Member
  18. Hon. Philip Ejiogu – Member
  19. Hon. Allwel Asiforo Okere – Member
  20. Hon. Okoroafor E. Okorie – Member
  21. Hon. Augustine Nnamani – Member
  22. Engr. Charles Ugwu – Member
  23. Chief Dr. Ali Odefa – Secretary

The Directorate of Organization and Mobilization shall serve as the Secretariat for the Council.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary



Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan marries Natasha Akpoti

Royalty, business tycoons and politicians from around the world will meet in Okene, Kogi State on Saturday, March 5, 2022.

They are expected to attend the high society marriage of the Alema of Warri Kingdom, High Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan to Kogi State politician and lawyer, Chief Natasha Hadiza Akpoti.

The traditional marriage ceremony is scheduled to take place in Obeiba-Ihima, Okene Local Government Area.

The time is 10; 00am.

February, 22 2022

Press Statement

PDP Constitutes Campaign Council for Ondo Bye-Elections

The National Working Committee (NWC) of our great Party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has approved the nomination of the following party members as members of the National Campaign Council/Election Management Team for the Akure North/Akure South Federal Constituency Bye-election scheduled for Saturday, February 26, 2022 in Ondo State

The member of the committees are;

  1. H.E Godwin Obaseki – Chairman
  2. H.E Engr. Seyi Makinde – Co. Chairman
  3. H.E Dr. Olusegun Mimiko – Member
  4. Eyitayo Jegede, SAN – Member
  5. Hon. Debo Ologunagba – Member
  6. Amb. Omolade Oluwateru – Member
  7. H.E Alhaja Mutitat Ladoja – Member
  8. H.E. Sen. Biodun Olujimi – Member
  9. Sen. Fadahunsi Francis Adenigba Member
  10. Sen. Akinyelure Patrick Ayo – Member
  11. Sen. Tofowomo Nicholas – Member
  12. Sen. Balogun Kola Ademola – Member
  13. Rt. Hon. Abdel Majid Segun Adekola Member
  14. Hon. Tajudeen Obasa – Member
  15. Hon. Akinjo Kolade Victor – Member
  16. Hon. Ikengboju Gboluga Dele – Member
  17. Chief Clement Faboyede – Member
  18. Hon. Festus Akingbosa – Member
  19. Hon. Rasheed Elegbeleye – Member
  20. Hon. Omolase Lanre – Member
  21. Hon. Sikirulai Ogundele – Member
  22. Hon. Fatai Adams – Member
  23. Hon. Sunday Bisi – Member
  24. Hon. Dayo Ogungbenro – Member
  25. Engr. Julius Akinsola – Member
  26. Hon. Adesoji Adagunodo – Secretary

The Directorate of Organization and Mobilization shall serve as the Secretariat for the Council.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary






The Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, has been applauded for his “forthrightness and sincerity” in adopting the recommendations of the six-man panel set up to examine the Ikoyi building collapse. The 21-storey structure went down on November 1, last year.

During a telephone interview with the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Gbenga Omotoso, on the 99.3FM radio programme “Daily Digest”, host Jimi Disu acknowledged that it took courage for Mr. Governor to adopt 26 of the 28 recommendations of the six-man panel.

Saluting Mr. Governor’s “courage”, Disu said, “We are not oblivious of the kind of pressure he must have gone through. If we lesser mortals have gone through so much pressure over the issue, then we must give him credit for doing this”.

Callers on the programme also praised Mr. Sanwo-Olu for not sweeping the matter under the carpet. They encouraged him to ensure that it is followed up till the end.

Responding to questions about compensation to families of those who died in the incident, Omotoso said all those who evacuated bodies of their loved ones and asked for assistance were given money for transportation and funeral.  Nobody, according to him, has come out to say he or she lost money in the incident.

Omotoso said: “The law has no room for such compensation, but if you’re talking about doing this on compassionate grounds, I know Mr. Governor as a compassionate leader.  If other people also put up a case for assistance with verifiable documentation, I am sure it is something that Mr. Governor may consider”.

On those doubting if indeed those indicted will be prosecuted, the Commissioner said Attorney-General Moyosore Onigbanjo (SAN) had been directed by Governor Sanwo-Olu to ensure that those found guilty of compromising the process of adherence to quality standards at the Foreshore Towers in Ikoyi are prosecuted.

Speaking further, Omotoso disclosed that the State Government was already fashioning out ways of collaboration with the private sector to strengthen monitoring and enforcement activities in the built sector in response to one of the recommendations of the panel on lack of adequate personnel to monitor building projects across the State.

He gave an assurance that all those found culpable in the process leading to the Foreshore Tower collapse, especially civil servants, will face sanctions.





Residents of Ikeja GRA in Lagos State have commended Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu and his administration for rehabilitating and upgrading major roads in Oduduwa Crescent, Oduduwa Way, Sobo Arobiodu and other inner roads in their community.

They said the decision of the Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s government to rehabilitate roads within Ikeja GRA, will eradicate the hardship that people pass through while plying roads within the community.

Speaking during a visit to Ikeja GRA on Thursday, some residents commended the ongoing rehabilitation of roads in the area, noting that the progress of work has reached advanced stage, giving the residents some succour way ahead of the rainy season.

Alhaji Muri Akanmu, who has been living in Ikeja GRA since 1977, said they are happy with the ongoing rehabilitation of the roads.

“The rehabilitation of the roads is good. We like what the government is doing here and when they finish it, things will be okay. At one point, Joel Ogunnaike Road was very bad but after they fixed it, people now enjoy the road. Governor Sanwo-Olu is doing very well and we are happy that his administration is rehabilitating roads in GRA Ikeja.

“Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu is doing very well and he has been doing positive things in the areas of transportation and road construction. I am part of those who voted him into the office and I am happy he didn’t disappoint me,” he said.

Tobiloba Oyewole, who has been working in Ikeja GRA in the last five years, said she is happy with the ongoing rehabilitation work and implored Lagos State Government to continue with the road construction in more parts of the area, noting that when there are good roads, people will live a comfortable life, get to the office on time and go home on time.

She said prior to Governor Sanwo-Olu’s administration intervention on the roads, people had challenges passing through the roads. Oyewole said there were companies that closed operations or relocated from GRA due to bad roads, while some vehicles stopped plying Oduduwa Crescent, therefore forcing people to trek long distances.

“When this road is completed, there will be no dust. When the whole dry season is over, there will be no dust. We can come to the office comfortably and go home with our fine shoes. It is going to bring in more business to the environment because people like working in a good environment. Property in this area will sell more and we will get more people visiting the area. It will better the lives of people,” she said.

Another resident of Ikeja GRA, Mr. Ayuba Akibu said: “Governor Sanwo-Olu has done well because we have been expecting this for a while now. It is a good thing. He is doing excellently well in this area. The workers are working every day. He should keep it up. I pray that God will continue to bless him. The road is a busy place and with the work going on, people would benefit more from the road.”





17 FEBRUARY 2022





Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has described the death of a member of the Governance Advisory Council (GAC), the apex leadership body of the Lagos State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Prof. Tunde Samuel, as a great loss to the State.

The Governor who also commiserated with GAC members, leaders and members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Lagos State, especially in Agege and Lagos West Senatorial District, said the demise of Prof. Samuel has created a vacuum in the ruling party.

Prof. Samuel, the Pioneer Provost of Micheal Otedola College of Primary Education (MOCPED) Epe, Lagos and former Special Adviser on Education to ex-Governor Bola Tinubu, died on Wednesday at 73 years.

Governor Sanwo-Olu, in a statement issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Gboyega Akosile on Thursday, described Prof. Samuel as a renowned scholar and one of the few Nigerians in academics that used their wealth of experience to make a mark in the education and political sectors in Nigeria.

He said: “The passage of Prof. Tunde Samuel is a great loss to Lagos State, especially our party, the All Progressives Congress because of the critical role the deceased was playing in the party before his death, both as GAC member and party leader in Agege.

“Prof. Samuel was an epitome of dedication and selflessness in public service. He contributed to the education sector in Lagos State, especially as the Pioneer Provost of Micheal Otedola College of Primary Education (MOCPED) Epe, Lagos and former Special Adviser on Education to ex-Governor Bola Tinubu.

“He also did his best for tertiary education in Lagos State as one of the founding fathers of the Lagos State University both as a member of the Implementation Committee and two-time member of the Provisional Government Council.

“As a member of the GAC, Prof. Samuel displayed exemplary leadership in Lagos politics. He worked with members of the progressive camp since the inception of the present Fourth Republic in 1999 to ensure that our party remains the ruling party in Lagos State in the last 22 years.

“I symphatise with GAC members; leaders and members of APC over the death of one of our leaders. I pray that Almighty God is pleased with the soul of Prof. Samuel and grant the family, friends, associates and APC the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.”





17 FEBRUARY 2022

Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan marries Natasha Akpoti

Royalty, business tycoons and politicians from around the world will meet in Okene, Kogi State on Saturday, March 5, 2022.

They are expected to attend the high society marriage of the Alema of Warri Kingdom, High Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan to Kogi State politician and lawyer, Chief Natasha Hadiza Akpoti.

The traditional marriage ceremony is scheduled to take place in Obeiba-Ihima, Okene Local Government Area.

The time is 10; 00am.

Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan marries Natasha Akpoti

Royalty, business tycoons and politicians from around the world will meet in Okene, Kogi State on Saturday, March 5, 2022.

They are expected to attend the high society marriage of the Alema of Warri Kingdom, High Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan to Kogi State politician and lawyer, Chief Natasha Hadiza Akpoti.

The traditional marriage ceremony is scheduled to take place in Obeiba-Ihima, Okene Local Government Area.

The time is 10; 00am.

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